Same Day Ceramic Crowns

Our practice has been a long time provider of this service through Dr Graeme Milicich and we continue to provide the same excellent care through Dr Nick Williams. Our patients love being able to see the ceramic crown being milled on the spot with our high tech CAD/CAM equipment, and then have the restoration permanently bonded in place all within the same visit.


Bone & Tissue Grafting

Bone grafting is used to replace the lost volume and provide a better long term result. Dr Nick Williams is experienced in this area having studied extensively through international courses and successfully treating hundreds of cases.


Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign is a simple, pain-free and effective way to treat crowding and malalignment of teeth. Most cases at our practice are completed within 12-18 months, and adults love the fact that they can be removed whenever desired and are nearly invisible while worn.


Orthodontic Retainers

Following all orthodontic treatment it is important to wear a retainer to help hold the teeth in their new positions, preventing relapse. This can be done with a fixed wire bonded to the lingual surfaces of the teeth or a removable clear tray that is worn at night.


Digital Smile Design

We are excited to be using the latest technology and software for planning and developing amazing smiles. Through taking photos of your teeth and how they relate to the rest of your face, and scanning your teeth along with 3D imaging, our laboratory is able to provide high quality ceramic restorations that will literally change your life.


Whitening & Stain Removal

Our dental hygienists Kara & Jenny use the EMS airflow machine (cutting edge technology from Sweden) to gently and thoroughly remove the biofilm from the tooth surface. This process alone makes all the teeth look significantly whiter and brighter, but further whitening is available for deeper internal staining.


Maintenance of Implants

Regular professional cleaning around dental implants is critical to avoid gum inflammation and bone loss. Our oral health therapists Kara and Jenny use the EMS Airflow machine to ensure complete biofilm removal surrounding implants. This helps ensure your implants looks great and function perfectly for life.


Periodontal Disinfection

We treat periodontitis using a combination of localised cleaning measures, topical antibiotics and systemic antibiotics to effectively control this disease. Our meticulous program incorporates all of these treatment modalities and provides the ideal environment for restoring good gum health.


Gingivitis & Periodontitis

Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), if left untreated, often progresses to irreversible bone loss (periodontitis). Kara and Jenny, our resident oral health therapists uses the most effective and gentle techniques available today to get your gums back to health.


Composite Restorations

Bonding tooth-coloured material in the form of dental composite to repair, strengthen, or re-shape a tooth is a fine art form that we take great pride in—not just filling a gap, but striving to recreate the tooth in its ideal natural form.


Can't find what you are looking for? Just give us a call—we probably do it!

We are one of the few practices you will find anywhere with a full spectrum of dental treatments available in-house.

Call: +64 7 858 0750
