Post-Teeth Whitening Diet: What To Avoid and What’s Safe To Eat
By: Dental Holistix
After teeth whitening, it’s crucial to be mindful of your food and drink choices for the first few days. Certain foods possess the potential to stain teeth or trigger sensitivity, making it prudent to avoid their consumption. This article delves into the specifics of which foods and beverages to exclude from your post-teeth whitening diet and provides insights into the safe alternatives.
Foods and drinks to avoid
1. Coffee and tea: We know it’s hard to resist your morning cup, but coffee and tea can be major culprits for teeth staining. The dark pigments they carry tend to cling to the porous enamel of your teeth, diminishing the impact of your recent teeth whitening.
2. Red wine: As enjoyable as a glass of red wine may be, its rich colour can leave unwanted stains on your newly whitened teeth. The tannins and chromogens present in red wine are notorious for leaving behind unsolicited stains, tarnishing the brilliance of your smile.
3. Berries: While delicious and nutritious, colourful berries like blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries contain pigments that can stain teeth.
4. Dark sauces: Sauces such as tomato sauce, soy sauce, and balsamic vinegar might be culinary essentials, but the chromogens contained in these sauces tend to latch onto enamel.
5. Dark chocolate: A piece of dark chocolate can be a real treat, but be mindful that this indulgence contains tannins that can potentially lead to discolouration.
6. Coloured beverages: It’s best to stay away from brightly coloured soft drinks, sports drinks, and artificially coloured beverages.
7. Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits might be good for you but they present challenges for freshly whitened teeth due to their acidic nature. The acidity can trigger heightened sensitivity, making it prudent to temporarily avoid them.
8. Dark leafy greens: Nutrient-dense dark leafy greens such as spinach and kale offer numerous health benefits, but their intense pigmentation could have a temporary impact on your teeth’s whiteness. While complete exclusion isn’t necessary, exercising caution in their consumption during this sensitive period is advised.
Other Foods to approach with caution:
While the above list outlines the most prominent culprits, it’s worth mentioning a few other foods that might warrant caution after teeth whitening:
1. Acidic Foods: Citrus fruits aren’t the only acidic foods to be cautious of. Pineapple, kiwi, and vinegar-based dishes should also be consumed in moderation to prevent sensitivity.
2. Spices: Vibrant spices like turmeric and curry can potentially stain teeth, so consider minimising their use during this period.
3. Pickled foods: Pickles and pickled vegetables can have strong colours that might impact your teeth’s whiteness temporarily.
4. Beets: While incredibly nutritious, beets can have intense pigmentation that might affect your teeth’s appearance.
Safe foods and beverages
During the critical post-whitening phase, it’s crucial to focus on foods and beverages that are less likely to stain your teeth or trigger sensitivity.
1. Water: Hydration is key. Water not only quenches your thirst but also helps flush away food particles that could contribute to staining.
2. Dairy products: Milk, cheese, and yogurt are low in pigments and can help neutralise acids in your mouth.
3. Lean proteins: Chicken, turkey, and fish are safe choices that won’t affect the whiteness of your teeth.
4. White grains: Opt for white rice and pasta, as they’re less likely to stain compared to their whole-grain counterparts.
5. Bananas: Bananas are a safe fruit option due to their lower staining potential.
6. Cauliflower: This mild-coloured vegetable is a versatile choice that won’t disrupt your teeth whitening progress.
7. Skinless potatoes: Enjoy potatoes without the skin to minimise potential staining.
8. White sauce: Cream-based sauces with a light colour can be enjoyed in moderation.
9. Clear broths: Clear soups and broths are gentle on teeth and won’t contribute to staining.
10. Clear beverages: Aside from water, clear herbal teas and coconut water can be enjoyed without worry.
By avoiding staining culprits and embracing teeth-friendly options, you’re taking proactive steps to preserve the brilliance of your newly whitened smile. Remember, the first 48 hours are pivotal, and as time passes, you can gradually reintroduce restricted foods while maintaining the sparkle of your smile.
Book in for a consultation with Jenny Cheong
Oral health therapist Jenny Cheong specialises in providing whitening treatments to help patients achieve a brighter smile.
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